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What is truth? If you beleive in an objective reality that exist independent of an observer than one possible answer is that a idea or proposition is true if it accurately and adequately resembles or represents the reality it is supposed to describe. (Epistemological realism, Correspondence theory, Aristotle, Locke, Russell)

If you do not beleive in an objective reality or that it can not be known than an alternative concept of truth is that an idea or proposition is true if it "fits in" or is consistent with or is neccitated by the totality of which it is a part. (idealist, or Coherent theory of truth).

A third alternative definition is the idea or proposition is true if it works or satisfies or is capable of doing so. (Pragmatic Theory of truth)

Truth is evaded or concealed when it is inconvenient, crimalnalized when it is 'insulting', denied when it contradicts religious beleifs, tampered with when it is in conflict with thnic or national self esteem, ignored when it is irritating to the powerful. Truth is always potentially a stumling -block, because it is of the nature of truth that it is what it is, regardless of anyone's wishes. However, because it is the case that it is what it is, in the long-run it is generally better to heed it than to ignore it: sooner or later the waves will ht the shore, and it is as well to be prepared. (Benson, Strangroom 2006, Why Truth Matters)


Anderson, Walter Truett (1995) The Truth about Truth, Deconfusing and Recosnstructing the Psot Modern Age, New York: G.P. Putnam's Sons

Benson, Ophelia and Jeremy Strangroom (2006) Why Truth Matters, London: Continuum

Blackburn, Simon (2005) Truth , A Guide, Oxford: Oxford University

Hunnex, Milton D (1986) chronological and Thematic Charts of Philosophies and PhilosophersGrand MRapids Michigan: Zondervan Publishing House